Key Features

As energy demands rise, asset owners are challenged with modernizing aging infrastructure while simultaneously meeting compliance standards and achieving operational excellence.

With unparalleled industry knowledge spanning all the major generation technologies, we help clients achieve operational excellence and maintain safe, reliable operations. Our clients benefit from a proven, holistic approach to operational risk management which fuels innovation, reliability, and responsible practices.

Special Benefits of the Business

Benchmark Consulting Company provides technologies to enable intelligent power & energy management to enhance operational effectiveness.

Electromechanical Conversion: Increase the power density, efficiency, and robustness of motors, generators, and actuators while also reducing their life cycle costs.
Energy Storage: Improve electrical and electrochemical energy storage devices to decrease device size, weight, and cost as well as increase their capabilities in extreme temperatures and operating conditions.
Power Control and Distribution: Develop tactical, deployable power systems using conventional fuels, alternative fuels, and energy harvested from renewable/ambient sources.
Power Generation/Energy Conversion: Enable smart energy networks for platforms, forward operating bases, and facilities using modeling and simulation tools as well as new, greater capability and efficiency components.
Thermal Transport and Control: Efficiently manage heat and enable higher power density systems through advanced thermal science and technology: advanced components, system modeling, and adaptive or hybrid-cycle technologies.

Power Generation Product

Benchmark generators are the perfect solution wherever power has to be generated quickly, reliably, and efficiently – whether on board of a ship or on an oil platform, in an industrial plant, a large gas or steam power plant or for renewables. Our generators for industrial applications covers a power range from 10 kva to 3500 KVA. Different series includes high- and low-voltage generators, Diesel Generator, NG/LNG Generator, HFO Generator, LPG Generator, Marine Generator. Our generators are optimized for power production and industrial applications and cover a wide power range. Choose from our product range of large generators for power production, industrial generators and marine generators.

Power Generation Product
Energy Solution (Renewable )