• info@benchmarkbd.com
  • Taher's Mansion, Floor-5th, House-60, Road No-131, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh



Benchmark Consulting Company is sustainability involves assessing the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance of companies within the oil and gas industry and comparing it against established benchmarks or industry peers. This process allows stakeholders to evaluate how well a company is managing its sustainability risks and opportunities, and how it performs in relation to others in the same sector.

Here are some key areas that are typically considered when benchmark oil and gas sustainability:

Carbon Emissions and Climate Change: Assessing a company’s greenhouse gas emissions, including direct emissions from operations (Scope 1) and indirect emissions from purchased energy (Scope 2), as well as emissions associated with the use of the company’s products (Scope 3). Companies with lower emissions intensity and clear climate change mitigation strategies are generally considered more sustainable.

Resource Efficiency:

Evaluating how efficiently a company uses natural resources, such as water and energy, in its operations. Sustainable companies in the oil and gas sector often implement measures to reduce resource consumption and minimize waste generation.

Biodiversity and Environmental Impact:

Examining a company’s efforts to protect and conserve biodiversity, as well as its approach to managing environmental impacts associated with its activities, such as habitat destruction and water pollution.

Social Responsibility and Human Rights:

Assessing how well a company addresses social issues, including labor practices, human rights, and community engagement. Companies with strong social responsibility commitments are more likely to be seen as sustainable.

Safety and Occupational Health:

Analyzing a company’s safety performance and its efforts to ensure the health and well-being of its workforce. Companies with robust safety measures and low accident rates are considered more sustainable.

Governance and Ethics:

Evaluating a company’s governance structure, transparency, and ethical business practices. Strong corporate governance is a crucial aspect of sustainability.

Innovation and Technology:

Considering a company’s investment in research, development, and deployment of innovative technologies that promote efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and support the energy transition.

Stakeholder Engagement:

Assessing how effectively a company engages with its stakeholders, including investors, employees, local communities, and NGOs, to understand their concerns and incorporate feedback into decision-making.

Investors, customers, and other stakeholders increasingly consider sustainability factors when making decisions and evaluating companies’ long-term viability, making benchmarks is a valuable tool for oil and gas companies to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices and meet the evolving expectations of stakeholders.